Mattapoisett Lions Club

Serving Our Community Since 1953



The Mattapoisett Lions Club, sponsored by the Fairhaven Lions Club, was chartered in 1953 with 30 charter members.  Our first King Lion was Lester Texeira, Russell Tinkham was Treasurer and Arthur Baker, Secretary.  Members of the Bradley, Briggs, Crampton, DeCoffe, Heuberger, Rodericks, Sherman, Sylvia families among others were charter members of the Mattapoisett Lions Club. 

Our motto is:  We Serve


The Mattapoisett Lions Club has been responsible for many projects in our community over the years.  The Shipyard Park gazebo, the covered picnic table structures at Town Beach and at Ned’s Point, and the tennis courts adjacent to Center School.  More recent projects include the shed at Dunford Park for use by the local Boy Scout troop and wheelchair  ramps at private homes in town.

For years we hosted an event for children  during the holidays -- The Candy Cane Fair.  In more recent years, we participate with the Town of Mattapoisett in the annual Tree Lighting at Shipyard Park where we collect unwrapped toys and canned goods for those in need.  The annual Senior Dinner is also a highlight for the more senior folks in our community.  In 2016, the Mattapoisett Lions Club started hosting the Fall Free Family Fun Festival, also at Shipyard Park. This event draws people from all over who enjoy hay rides, games, music, a pumpkin patch and more on a crisp fall day.

Annually, we hold a 
peace poster contest for students at Old Hammondtown School
as part of an International Lions Club initiative, and a speech contest for high school students. 

We also assist residents in need in various ways by providing them with eyeglasses and hearing aids, making donations to local food pantries and collecting goods for local service men and women serving overseas.

Today, we are 62 members strong.  Our major fundraising effort is the week-long Harbor Days event at Shipyard Park.  This event has been operating for more than 20 years, but it would not be a success without the support of the Mattapoisett community, including the Mattapoisett Town Hall, neighbors, the local Boy Scouts, Girl Scouts and inumerable volunteers.


Other fundraising events and community projects include:

  • Collecting used eyeglasses to be tagged, catalogued and shipped overseas to bring the gift of sight to those who cannot afford to buy eyeglasses
  • Pennies for Sight canisters on display in many local businesses collect change to help fund eye research locally
  • Aiding community residents in crisis by building handicap ramps 

It is important to note that 100% of all monies donated go to the targeted need. All Club administrative costs are covered by member dues.


The Mattapoisett Lions Club was the first club in Massachusetts in 2006 to sign on as a Model Club for Campaign Sightfirst II, an International Lions Club initiative to end preventable blindness around the world. 


The Mattapoisett Lions Club is a fine group of men and women who are community minded and who believe in reaching out to help those in need.

International Association of Lions Clubs


The genesis of the International Association of Lions Clubs has an interesting history.


In 1917, Mr. Melvin Jones, a Chicago insurance agent, convinced his luncheon club – the Business Circle of Chicago – that it should ally itself with other independent clubs to form a national organization that would be dedicated to networking for business and social purposes and for  improvement of the community as a whole.


Among the groups invited to participate was the loosely knit association of Lions Clubs headquartered in Indiana and led by Dr. W. P. Woods.  At the time, there were a handful of Lions Clubs in existence in the mid-West. 

Responding to the call from Melvin Jones, in October 1917, 36 delegates representing 22 independent clubs from nine states met in Dallas, Texas.  These delegates agreed to come together as one organization under the banner of the Lions Club name.  Dr. Woods was elected as the first president and founder Melvin Jones was named Secretary.  This marked the beginning of Melvin Jones’ association with the Lions Club that continued until his death in 1961, a 44-year commitment of volunteerism.


The mission of the organization in the early days was to encourage high business ethics – to put service ahead of profit and to uphold the highest standards of conduct in business and the professions. 


An interesting side note is that World War I had ended and the country was beginning an age of materialism – high rollers, swingers, the roaring twenties.  Could Melvin Jones and other Club founders have been looking for a safe haven to counter less than ethical business practices that were developing?  We will never know for sure, because there is nothing in the written history to support this theory. 


Eight years later, the 1925 annual convention of the Lions Clubs was a monumental event.  The Club became International with the inclusion of a Club from Windsor, Ontario (which was charted in 1921) and the mission and vision was altered when a 45-year old blind and deaf woman asked to speak before the convention of delegates.  This woman was Helen Keller, one of the most famous women in United States history and a role model for millions of people worldwide.  Since that night in 1925, the major service commitment of the Lions organization is to eradicate preventable blindness and reversible blindness around the world.


Today, the Lions Club is made up of over 45,000 clubs with over 1.4 million members in 200 countries and geographical areas.  In 1990, a Club was chartered in Moscow – once closed to voluntary clubs – and in 2001, the first Lions Club was chartered in Communist China, the first organization of its type allowed to organize in China.


Our motto:  We Serve

Our slogan: Liberty, Intelligence, our Nation’s safety"
Our colors:  Purple for loyalty to friends, integrity of mind and heart and Gold for sincerity of purpose, purity in life and generosity in mind and heart.


In 1968, Lions Clubs International Foundation (LCIF) was created to help Lions serve the world.  The Foundation accepts donations from Lions and non-Lions – and in turn, funds (in the form of grants) are made available to assist Lions Clubs with large scale humanitarian efforts that are too large for the local clubs to handle. 

Examples of the amazing work done by LCIF:

  • In 2004 when the tsunami hit Indonesia Clubs worldwide contributed $20 million to assist those in need.  This money was made available to local clubs in the affected areas and the first house rebuild in Indonesia was built by a local Lions Club with funds provided by other Lions Clubs through LCIF.
  • In 2005, shortly after Hurricane Katrina, $5 million was forwarded to local clubs in the affected areas, another example of Lions enabling Lions to help others.

More than $600 million has been awarded worldwide through LCIF since 1968 to provide support and resources to those in need.  The community outreach work done by Lions Club members throughout the global community is in addition to the many millions of dollars given over the years to build and equip eye hospitals and clinics; to fund research to prevent blindness, and to combat diabetes (a major cause of blindness); to raise awareness of eye diseases; to operate our EyeMobile – the list goes on.





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